
Showing posts from 2017

Keyboard language change

Sometimes we need to change keyboard language or Layout to do the work. Everybody we know that we can use multi keyboard in windows operating system. There are so many language in windows 7 such as: Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, German, Turkey etc then we can setup or change keyboard layout. But don’t know that How to change keyboard language or layout. I have given some instruction in below:

Windows Setup through USB flash

/ We will setup windows 7 in Laptop or desktop computer by USB flash . But maximum computer user can not setup or installing windows 7 by USB flash drive. We got many ideas from many websites about setup or install windows 7 from USB flash drive. Sometimes it works or not. I will describe  How to install or setup windows 7 by USB flas h . It’s very simple task. There is no use any software to setup windows by USB flash drive. Windows 7 & windows 8 install process are same. Follow the instructions: At first we need a pen drive to setup or install windows 7 by USB flash and have to format it so that there are no viruses in pen drive. Now copy windows from windows disk. When will be completed copy windows setup file in computer then restart computer. Now press computer  boot key  to upload windows setup files. After pressing computer boot key, you will get some option to allow windows setup. Follow the picture. Now Select you pen drive from this ...

Printer Sharing by IP address

Printer Sharing by IP address Generally we use printer machine personally. But sometimes we needs to printer   share  with another computer or department. I will describe printer  sharing  by  IP address  in Laptop and desktop computer in windows 7 operating system. It’s called a networking printer system. We can  share  printer over LAN connection or Wifi system. But I have posted this system for LAN or Networking system so that we can  share  printer on network or LAN connection. I have given some instructions below for  printer sharing by using IP address :

Windows Setup Process

Windows Setup Process Computer  windows setup or installation process  is not difficult in Laptop or Desktop computer. It’s a simple task, but somebody knows it as a difficult task. I will describe step by step about windows 7 setup that “How can you setup windows in laptop & desktop computer?” Window 7 and windows 8 installation or setup process is same. If you can setup windows 7 operating system then you will be able to setup or install windows 8 os. It is a basic idea for installing computer operating system. This process is same for Laptop and desktop computer. Notice my instruction which I given below-